Messages for Men that Changed Nations
Every sincere seeker of the Lord can have God encounters! Journey with James and Michal Ann Goll as they share how they discovered a lifestyle of God encounters. You will enjoy a new depth of fellowship with God as you find yourself enjoying a new and refreshing intimacy with your Lord; an intimacy that brings the most powerful deliverance and healing in your life.
Drawing from his immense knowledge of the historical information on revivals, Dr. J. Edwin Orr carefully outlines how all great spiritual awakenings began as result of Christians uniting together for prayer. In his closing remarks, he states strongly how Christians today can spark a great revival, if they promote explicit agreement and visible union of all God's people in extraordinary prayer.
In 1729, while John Wesley was a student at Oxford, he started a club with his brother Charles. It was soon mockingly dubbed “The Holy Club” by some of his fellow collegians. The club members rigorously self-examined themselves everyday by asking these 22 questions.
From the Autobiography of Charles G. Finney, edited and paraphrased by Keith & Melody Green, this is an account of the Spirit of God's dealings with the people of Rome (a small village in sparsely populated upstate New York) in the 1820s. Remember this - the same God that moved like this a century and a half ago still desires to do the same today. He is ever waiting for the one who will take Him at His word.
What is true Revival and Spiritual Awakening? Discover the answer in this eyewitness account by Dennis Kinlaw, President of Asbury College, Wilmore, Kentucky, who recounts the story of a visitation of the Holy Spirit in 1970.