By David Epps,
Men for Nations Prayer Mobilizer for the Central Region
First Prayer Boot Camp of 2024 - A Success!
Topeka Kansas Reporting
Did you know the Bible places the responsibility for a nation on its men, not the women? That’s why Men for Nations founder Dick Simmons conducted powerful men’s prayer boot camps—to get men praying. And that’s why Men for Nations has relaunched prayer boot camps after Dick’s passing into glory in 2020. The baton is being passed so these boot camps can continue to transform the lives of men and the world around them. America, yes even the nations, are in desperate need of spiritual awakening!
What can happen when men pray for their community? After one of Dick’s boot camps in Topeka, Kansas, the men started praying on the phone for an hour most every morning at 5 a.m. However, on Saturdays they would go pray at key sites around the city. Dick said, “Get out on site. Don’t let your prayer time become a liturgy.”
In 2017, the mid-sized city of Topeka saw a significant surge in murders. There were a record 29 homicides that year, and the next year started out with three more murders within the first nine days.
The men cried out to the Lord for a better prayer strategy. They sensed He said to prayerwalk up and down the streets of the city, declare scripture, take communion, and do it every week. The scripture that He gave us was Joshua 1:3 (ESV), “Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given to you, just as I promised to Moses.” There were only 13 homicides the rest of the year, and that trend continued into the following year. That’s a 45% decrease! They have witnessed other miraculous answers since then. What might God do in your community through the prayers of men? How might the Lord change America and even the nations?
On August 17, 2024, Men for Nations relaunched Dick Simmons’ updated men’s prayer boot camp in Topeka, Kansas. About 35 men gathered in a local church with a hunger for prayer and a desire to learn what the Bible says about men prevailing in the authority by God’s word. The all-day Saturday training, worship, prayer, and fellowship was followed by 21 days of one-hour, 5 a.m. prayer to establish the men and sustain the work.
Dylan testified, “It was more impactful what we could imagine.”
Douglas added, “The twenty-one days of prayer, what an incredible experience. It was an invitation for me to glorify the King of Kings, Jesus! On a day-to-day, morning-by-morning basis. It built a way for me (only by the leading of Jesus) to be where I am now. I wake up every day and start my day with prayer and meditation on his word. Jesus is transforming me to be all that I am meant to be.”
Howard Beam is coordinating this re-energized initiative for what Dick referred to as the Pre-Dawn National Prayer Offensive. Howard is a former pastor and missionary who is a Men for Nations board member and the Director of Prayer Mobilization. His contact information follows below.
You might wonder what’s new about Dick’s prayer boot camp 2.0. Well, it’s based on his original biblical framework but with updates to current events, dozens of added slides, and even videos of Dick himself calling men to holiness and to pray with great power. Dick would often say the Lord has given men “executive authority” to accomplish His will on earth.
The boot camp manual has been greatly revamped and transformed into a 100-page informative and inspirational training tool that perfectly complements the oral and visual presentation. Here’s the Men for Nations Men’s Prayer Boot Camp in a nutshell.
AWAKE - Men must awaken to the dire situation we are in and recognize our great need to see personal and national revival.
REMEMBER - Men need to know how God has moved powerfully to revive and transform America in the past. He can do it again.
REPENT & UNITE - Men must repent personally and unite with others to repent corporately as a first step to renewal and victory.
INTERCEDE - God has placed a mandate on men to pray for our nation and world and exercise our God-given dominion over darkness.
PREVAIL - Men must contend until we see the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.
When men take a hard look at where they are in their prayer life, how America needs revival again, and that it can only come through repentance and crying out in prevailing intercession, they say, “Sign me up! I want to be a soldier in the Pre-Dawn National Prayer Offensive!”
It’s time for Christian men to put on their combat boots and begin walking in higher authority.
To explore the possibility of bringing a men’s prayer boot camp to your area, contact:
Howard Beam
Please forward this article to your pastor, men’s ministry leader, and other men in your circle of influence and encourage them to connect with us through our website.